
Mloovi  這個網站,聲稱可以把網誌翻譯成二十四種語言,其中包括中文、英文、日語、法語、德文……等幾乎所有主要語言,因此抱持著高度的興趣與期待,找了時間試試看。

The scarf is not Wai
Since the discovery Shuashua liver index rises again, not when the mood Hulenghure, Husiluanxiang good at the head, often tight, I think the belly fat, Cheng Po will be feeling at any time.
Active attitude I have scored shortly after to find a lot of owners have also praised the enthusiasm of the veterinary profession, but in Taichung. After struggling to consider , Decided to try preceded by telephone and then decided to bring in veterinary Shuashua look at the timing and location. So the next day to find work in the rest of the free, dial the Internet blog the above telephone.
「不圍圍巾」變成 The scarf is not Wai,「心情忽冷忽熱」翻譯成 mood Hulenghure,「胡思亂想」是 Husiluanxiang good at the head,這種英文到底是誰看得懂。傻眼之餘,趕快再看看其他的內容是不是也這麼扯。
選的《大眼睛》篇名翻譯為 Big Eyes 正確無誤﹝當然啦﹞,選這篇也許會有意外的驚喜:
There are two owners: a hardworking, will go out to play with dogs to walk the other is lazy, of course, told the aforementioned circumstances to the contrary. Very reluctant to heart, but frankly honest, I think I belong to the latter.
Apply now a popular term, I should be able to be home women, but also engaged in this line is a long history . Although the University of time, not 5:00 3 will be the middle of the night drove his car, went to the villa Tienmu district to see a dream in the envy of the beautiful house, or out to eat with friends and a Xiaoye window shopping…… and so on, not really All homes, but what kind of play啦to the south, Ta-Qing啦the outskirts of the mountains, hiking on the amusement park barbecue啦, I think, I feel tired all the activities, it is a duality.
套用目前時下流行的術語,我應該可以算是宅女,而且從事這一行歷史算是悠久了。雖然大學時期,三不五時半夜會自己開著車,跑到天母別墅區看夢想中令人欣羨的漂亮房子、或是跟朋友出去吃個宵夜兼 window shopping……等等,不是真的完全足不出戶,但是那種什麼到南部去玩啦、郊外山上踏青啦、烤肉健行玩遊樂園啦,對我來說都是想到就覺得累的活動,非常偶一為之。
如果像Mloovi 這樣的網站真的可以如我們所預期的運作,那麼破除語言的障礙,無論是尋找資訊、交流意見、學習新知,範圍都可以無限寬廣,很可惜,在翻譯這方面,電腦還是完全無法與人工比擬,畢竟若非明明就有中文可以對照,而且文章是我本人寫出來的,否則到底誰會知道 not 5:00 3 是三不五時的意思呢!
最後,幫這個網站做了一個小小的測試,選了《大眼睛》一文中的第一段英文翻譯,張貼在部落格上面再讓 Mloovi 從英文翻回中文,結果如下:


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